A dispersion tolerant oc-192 optical transceiver includes the circuitry for implementing the method of reducing optical signal dispcrsion in a high data rate data stream that travels on an optical fiber communications system.The circuitry includes circuitry for partitioning the high data rate data stream into a plurality of lower data rate data strcams.The fiber optic tranesceiver transmits the plurality of lower data rate data streams along an associated one of a plurality oa separate wavelcngth channels.a wavelength division multiplcxing circuit ,multiplcxcs cach of the lower data rate data streams on the plurality of sxparate wavelength channels into a single optical fiber assembly to form a multiplexed signal.The wavelength division multiplexing circuit further transmits the multiplerxed lower data rate signal along the single optical fiber assembly.
The invention ralatesto a single component transceiver device for linear fiber optical network.the transceiber allows both reception and transmission of light information from and onto a linear data line comprised of a single optical fiber.