
Huawei plans to challenge Cisco in the U.S. market

May 13 news, Huawei’s North American director John Ross, John Roese, said on Friday that the company is well positioned to challenge Cisco’s preparation, but still need some patience and time.
Roth made the comments in the Interop infrastructure Assembly, he said: “The U.S. is the most complex market difficult to enter the U.S. market, comparable with Western companies enter the Chinese market.”
Decade, Huawei has been sold to the U.S. telecom operator infrastructure equipment, and set up a U.S. headquarters in Santa Clara, California. The main products sold by the company in the past is the terminal equipment of the data network infrastructure such as routers and switches, modems and smart phones, but now plans to challenge for large companies to sell equipment to Cisco.
Huawei was established in September last year, the corporate sector, and plans a $ 15 billion in 2015 global revenue-generating expected revenue this year will be more than 7 billion U.S. dollars. The corporate sector’s products include the internal data network hubs, routers, switches. Ross said: “really takes several years to reach critical mass, but it is not key to achieve revenue targets.”
Huawei corporate sector in 2011, operating income was 9.16 billion yuan (about 1.45 billion U.S. dollars), an increase of 57.1%. Although the revenue contribution of only 4.5%, but still within the company the fastest growing sectors.
As a technology industry veteran, Ross once worked at Nortel, Broadcom, Enterasys and Cabeletron and other enterprises. He said that Huawei did not announce any financial goal for the U.S. market, but already has become the elements of Cisco’s powerful opponents in the U.S. market.
Cisco is the world’s leading network equipment manufacturers.”Cisco has been a long time not come across a really strong competitor … now Huawei, we are not minor players.” Ross said.
Cisco CEO John Chambers (John Chanbers) has repeatedly Huawei called enterprise market is the most difficult competitors, and committed to active competition. Cisco in 2003, sued Huawei violated its part of the patent. Huawei subsequently canceled the controversial technology, Cisco is also the final withdrawal.
Cisco’s Rob Lloyd, executive vice president Rob Lloyd, Huawei is still imitation, not innovation, but also in terms of security is still in doubt. ”We are very clear, customers see from Cisco innovation, but did not see the same factors from Huawei. Can clearly say, imitation is not innovation.” He said on the last Tuesday of the earnings conference call.
He also said: Privacy and data protection are the concerns of customers in the era of cloud computing, which is not Huawei’s long-term. ”
Ross’s comments dismissive. He said: “If they put us as number one enemy and the greatest threat, we would be happy to accept such a compliment,” he added, Huawei is currently in the size of the United States is too small, not enough to challenge Cisco. But the company is indeed ready to go.
Huawei announced this week for the first time a distribution agreement with the U.S. IT distributor Synnex to expand in the U.S. corporate market share. The company also introduced the first product to compete with Cisco’s telepresence system and network switches.
However, because American politicians worried about security issues, Huawei to enter the market still faces obstacles. Ross said, Huawei is not currently operational cooperation with the U.S. federal government and financial services companies. Sell ​​their products to the federal government, we need to solve some things. “He said.
Ross said, adding that currently does not have the necessary channels to sell their products to the financial services sector.Mainly to the health care and education industry supply products such as telepresence equipment and database switch.
“We are gradually developing, now very patient.” He said. Ross is still grateful to Cisco to give them free advertising: “I joked, to inform people that Huawei is the nature of the business, Mr. Chambers is our greatest ally. He taught a lot of people ‘Huawei’ word pronunciation. ”
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